I’m not sure when I first learned the term “the weaver’s handshake,” but I do remember it making complete sense. For those not in the know, the weaver’s handshake occurs when a weaver sees another person wearing a piece of cloth that they absolutely must touch (preferably with permission first). It’s this weaverly “greeting” that inspired the theme for the Spring 2023 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms devoted to texture that absolutely calls out to be touched.
While we’re absolutely looking for pieces that use lumpy-bumpy yarns (Bouclé! Slub yarns! Beehive yarns!), we also want to highlight pieces in which the texture comes from the techniques used to weave. Think thick-and-thin, crammed and spaced, pick-up, and differential shrinkage. Of course, there’s more to texture than just bumpy; smooth and silky scarves, soft and fluffy blankets, and crisp cottolin napkins are all welcome as well.
Close up of Tammy Bast’s Kanzashi Scarf from Easy Weaving with Little Looms Summer 2021. Photo credit: Matt Graves
If you’re interested in submitting to the issue, please check out the palette here!
Please note that we have changed our submission process and are also using a new submission form. We base our project selections for each issue on contributor photographs. We will review the proposals and ask for additional photographs if needed, to be sent in by the end of April 2022 for this issue. After the project-selection meeting, we will contact everyone whose project is accepted and ask that it be submitted along with the project paperwork.
Proposals for projects and articles due: 4/4/2022
Submissions in the form of photographs and article outlines due: 5/23/2022
Final submissions, including projects and paperwork, due: 7/5/2022
If you would like to get a head start on the paperwork, look here to choose the one that fits your project.
Please use our Little Looms submission form for proposals. Submission guidelines can be found here.
Please use the email address below for inquiries that won’t fit into our submission form. Please contact us and ask for a physical address to send any pieces of your proposal that cannot be emailed.
Editorial email: [email protected]
Happy Weaving!