Raise Your Shuttles to Liz Gipson

Liz Gipson is a woman who loves rigid-heddle weaving and (fortunately for all of us) has a knack for teaching.

Christina Garton Feb 13, 2017 - 3 min read

Raise Your Shuttles to Liz Gipson Primary Image

My first loom that was not exclusively for weaving potholders was a small rigid-heddle loom. When I first started weaving on my rigid-heddle loom I remember searching for resources and reading and watching everything I could. While there were some great videos and a couple wonderful books, it seemed like there was room to do more.

I was eager and hungry to learn anything and everything I could about my new loom and I wanted more. Fortunately, I wasn’t the only one who felt that way six years ago and in that short amount it seems as if the number of books and videos for rigid-heddle weavers have absolutely exploded.

Liz Gipson Liz Gipson

One person we all have to thank for this is Liz Gipson.

This is a woman who loves rigid-heddle weaving and (fortunately for all of us) has a knack for teaching. I still remember the first time I watched Life After Warping. I had to keep stopping the video so I could make notes and various exclamations with every new tip and trick. They were the sort of tips that once you heard them you thought to yourself, “Of course! Why am I only now learning this?” Those of course are the best sorts of tips.

I am envious of those who are learning to weave with a rigid-heddle loom now because they have a whole world of Liz’s amazing resources at their fingertips. How wonderful to start weaving and have so much ready for you to absorb! At this point Liz’s products can teach you how to weave on a rigid-heddle loom from the basics up to using two heddles and weaving with doubleweave. Amazing!

So I suppose this blog post is really just a love letter and thank you note to Liz Gipson for all she’s done for the weaving community. Thank you Liz for making it just that much easier to not just learn to weave on a rigid-heddle loom, but to take your skills further and to become the best weaver you can be. I definitely raise my shuttle to you.

Happy Weaving!
