
All Access Exclusive

Rigid-Heddle Projects from the Pages of Handwoven

As a bonus for All Access Subscribers, we’ve pulled two rigid-heddle projects from back issues of Handwoven and turned them into handy-dandy PDF downloads.

Sizing Up My Weaving

Anne wanted to weave with a yak/silk blend in the warp, but was worried about the damage the heddle might do to the fuzzy yarn. Instead of giving up, she applied sizing, a temporary coating designed to protect yarns while weaving.

Your Top 10 Favorites from Last Year

Out of all the posts we put up last year, these were the 10 you loved the most.

Creating Doesn’t Need to Be Complicated.

There is always time to learn and create, even if it’s only minutes a day.

Subscriber Exclusive

A-Tisket, A-Tasket Basketweave Cowl

Deborah Bagley's A-Tisket, A-Tasket Basketweave Cowl uses a simple technique to create pattern and texture in each pin loom square. Learn more about the technique and then download the free subscriber exclusive!

Weaving Resolutions for 2024

Christina shares her nontraditional weaving resolution for the year.

Weaving That’s Hip to Be Square

Explore the possibilities within the confines of the right angle in the Spring 2024 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms.

An Introduction to the Weaver’s Knot

What do sailors, Scouts, and weavers all have in common? A need for knowing a multitude of knots. To start, learn how to tie the incredibly versatile weaver’s knot.

All Access Exclusive

Inventive Inkle Weaving

Explore the versatility of inkle weaving with our new eBook, 10 Favorite Inkle Projects: A Treasury of Designs from Long Thread Media.

Warping a Pin Loom with Extra Slack

Angela gives her tips for weaving on a larger pin loom using yarn with little to no give.