Pin Loom

Pin looms are one of the most accessible and portable looms available to weavers. They come in many shapes and sizes, including squares, rectangles, and even hearts, triangles, and hexagons. Most weavers will end up with multiple pin looms to achieve different shapes, but the 4" square loom is a great place to begin. Just remember that the loom you use will determine the woven fabric pieces you can make with it.

In this category, we've gathered a selection of pin-loom articles, projects, and patterns for you to enjoy.

Subscriber Exclusive

Weaving on a Peg Loom

Have you ever heard of a peg loom? Learn more about these interesting looms and how they compare to pin looms, and get a free subscriber-excusive project with instructions for making your own peg loom and weaving a bag on it.

Weave a Pin-Loom Bunny for Your Easter Basket

Looking for a cute, spring-y addition to your Easter basket? We've got you covered!

Designing with Hexagons: Going 3D (Part 2)

In this second part of Designing with Hexagons: Going 3D, Gabi van Tassell introduces more concepts for designing 3D objects using hexagons.

All Access Exclusive

Skill Guide: Cutting Cloth with Confidence

If you’ve ever wanted to sew with your handwoven fabric but worried about it raveling, this skill guide has all the information you need. Learn how to stabilize your fabric so you can cut without worry.

Designing with Hexagons: Going 3D (Part 1)

Designs made with hexagons don’t have to be flat. You can fold, sew, and ruffle hexagons to create 3D designs.

All Access Exclusive

Have a (Handwoven) Heart!

Check out these heart-filled projects in this All Access exclusive.

Top 5 Things We Learned in 2024

Christina looks back through the Little Looms issues and articles from 2024 and shares just 5 of the incredible tips and techniques we published in 2024.

All Access Exclusive

Designing by Chance

Learn how Tommye McClure Scanlin uses dice, and a few ground rules, to help her through design ruts with this All Access Exclusive article.

Subscriber Exclusive

A Dazzle of Zebras

Weave up your own dashing zebra with this subscriber-exclusive bonus project.

Pin-Loom Blooms: Floral Ornaments to Weave

You can create pin-loom flowers for any season with a few squares.