Tablet weaving, also called card weaving, uses a set of cards (often square, sometimes other shapes) with holes typically in the corners of the cards. The warp is threaded through these holes strategically, and designs are created by turning the cards in different directions. Although you don’t technically need a loom for tablet weaving—just a place to anchor your warp—many weavers use inkle, band, backstrap, or even rigid-heddle looms.
Explore tablet weaving with the articles, projects, and patterns in this category.
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If you’ve ever wanted to sew with your handwoven fabric but worried about it raveling, this skill guide has all the information you need. Learn how to stabilize your fabric so you can cut without worry.
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Learn techniques that go beyond twisted fringe and rolled hems so you can finish your handwoven projects in style.
Christina looks back through the Little Looms issues and articles from 2024 and shares just 5 of the incredible tips and techniques we published in 2024.
Did you know there’s more than one way to wind a stick shuttle? Learn how to wind your stick shuttle with more yarn, and less bulk, so you can weave more and worry less.
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Silk is delightfully textured, beautifully lustrous, and, with some education, approachable even for first-time weavers.
The worst day weaving is still better than the best Black Friday spent fighting the crowds in the hopes of getting a deal.
We’re asking weavers to weave a memory for the Winter 2025 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms.
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In this new eBook, find some incredible tablet-weaving projects for weavers of all levels.
Go behind the scenes and learn a bit more about tablet weaver extraordinaire John Mullarkey.
For this fall issue, we're looking for projects inspired by time spent in the woods and forests.