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Diamonds & Rust Scarf

Project Type Scarves/Shawls, Accessories
Categories Rigid-Heddle
Techniques Clasped Weft or Warp, Pick-Up
Heddle Width 17
Author Rachel Simmons
Format Project/Pattern

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Rachel Simmons rarely use cotton yarns outside of weaving kitchen linens, but when given the opportunity to try Lunatic Fringe Yarns’ beautiful naturally colored cotton to make a scarf, she couldn’t pass up the opportunity. This yarn is special. It’s completely sourced in the United States, and every effort is made to ensure sustainability.

This idea of sustainability appeals to Rachel, not just as a fiber artist but also in her everyday life. Of course, striking a harmonious balance between nature and humans is difficult at the best of times. Her task of creating cloth with undyed, minimally processed fiber with a small chemical footprint was a challenge and a delight. She wanted to honor this unique cotton and its surprising natural range of color. With that thought, Rachel created a scarf with a mix of freeform and structured weaving to evoke an earthy feeling of growth. The fabric woven from this cotton is soft and light, perfect for a cool spring day before the heat of summer takes hold.

Clasped weft with overshot.

Rigid-heddle loom, 17" weaving width; 12.5- or 12-dent heddle; 1 stick shuttle; 1 pick-up stick.

Warp: 10/2 American Maid Naturally Colored Yarn (100% cotton; 2,100 yd/8 oz; 4,200 yd/lb; Lunatic Fringe Yarns), Dark Green, 936 yd; Dark Brown, 300 yd. Weft: 10/2 American Maid Naturally Colored Yarn, Dark Green, 595 yd; Dark Brown, 187 yd.

203 ends (412 total threads) 3 yd long (allows 7" for take-up, 26" for loom waste; loom waste includes fringe).

Warp: 12.5 epi or 12 epi (1 per slot and hole in a 12.5- or 12-dent heddle). All ends are doubled with the exception of 3 ends which are quadrupled. Weft: 10 ppi.

Width in the heddle: 16.25" in a 12.5 dent heddle; 17" in a 12-dent heddle. Woven length: (measured under tension on the loom) 75". Finished size: 14¼" x 67½" with 4½" fringe. Note: Dimensions are based on weaving with a 12.5-dent heddle.

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