Make A Shiver of Sharks with this Pin Loom Design

Get ready for Shark Week 2024 with this fabulous pin-loom project.

Susan E. Horton Jul 2, 2024 - 3 min read

Make A Shiver of Sharks with this Pin Loom Design Primary Image

Sheldon and Sandy White are easier to hang out with than most great whites. Photo Credit: Caleb Young

Come out from behind the couch. I promise your 4-inch pin loom will protect you. It may be too small to hide behind during Discovery's Shark Week 2024, but weave a couple of pin-loom squares, add a little crochet, and you’ll have a designer eye mask for the rough spots. Or just keep your head down and pretend that weaving a 4-inch square is much harder than you ever imagined and requires your utmost concentration. As for all important moments in life, you’ve got to have a strategy, and this year, your strategy can be making Sandy or Sheldon Shark.

Pin Loom Sharks by Deborah Bagley

Sheldon on the left has the toothy smile. Sandy, on the right is just as friendly but a little bit shy.

Deborah Bagley of Zoo Crew fame designed Sandy and Sheldon, and we decided they make a nice brother and sister pair. Sheldon with his open mouth full of teeth is a bit scarier than his sister Sandy with her sharky smile, but both are on the friendly side of sharkdom—simple to make and fun to play with. Once you have woven the pin-loom squares using yarn readily available from craft and fabric stores, follow the easy pattern directions to fold and sew the squares together and construct your own shark or shiver of sharks.

Weaving pin-loom squares is better than randomly playing games on your phone to distract yourself from what might or might not be happening on your television during the sharkiest week of the year. Weave a few each day, and by the end of the week, you’ll have enough squares for either Sandy or Sheldon. New to pin-loom weaving? A step-by-step tutorial can be found here. We also have directions for the best ways to sew squares together.

Come out from behind the couch. Those dust bunnies are far scarier than anything on TV.

Weave well and keep safe,


Originally published 6/30/33; updated 7//2/24