
Ombré Silk Shawl

Project Type Scarves/Shawls
Categories Rigid-Heddle
Techniques Plain Weave
Heddle Width 20
Author Susan E. Horton
Format Project/Pattern

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The texture of bouclé and the luxury of silk work together with an ombré-stripe pattern to create this shawl’s quiet drama.

This silk shawl works up beautifully on a rigid-heddle loom, and using direct warping eliminates the need for a cross and all the other timeconsuming aspects of traditional warping.

Although the literature steers you away from using bouclé in the warp on a rigid-heddle loom, Susan found that it worked well in an 8-dent heddle. Bouclé is strong, but the ends do require some careful handling. Sharp scissors helped Susan to avoid pulling the bouclé apart when cutting. She then used Fray Check on the ends during the fringe-twisting process, and she placed the fringe-twister clips a little further up on the fringe than normal.

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