Subscriber Exclusive

Subscriber Bonus: Touch of Terra-Cotta Pattern

If you liked Alison Irwin’s sweet Baltic pick-up bracelets from the Fall 2024 issue, you’ll love this third variation on her pattern.

Christina Garton Jul 18, 2024 - 3 min read

Subscriber Bonus: Touch of Terra-Cotta Pattern Primary Image

Alison Irwin’s Touch of Terra-Cotta project can be made into a bracelet, as shown here, or a napkin ring. Photos by Matt Graves

When Alison Irwin first sent me photos of the three inkle bracelets she’d woven for the Fall 2024 issue, she asked me which one I wanted. I, of course, answered “All of them!” because they were all beautiful, and—frankly—it was too hard to choose.

These bracelets are simple and elegant. They’re not so wide as to be uncomfortable but also not so thin that they blend in with your outfit. In addition, as somebody who lives in New Mexico, I appreciate the terra-cotta and turquoise color scheme, which feels subtly Southwestern. Each band features a simple Baltic pick-up pattern, the kind that’s fairly easy to do but looks impressive to anyone who’s never woven inkle bands before. To make the pattern stand out even more, Alison chose a yarn blend with just a hint of shimmer and variegation. Gorgeous!

The yarn blend used for the pattern yarn stands out, thanks to a bit of shimmer and variegation.

I also would be remiss if I didn’t mention the fringe. The way Alison uses her fringe is quite clever. By using it as a decorative element, not only do you add interest to your piece, but you also reduce the bulk you’d normally have from a rolled inkle hem. Brilliant!

Even better, Alison pitched these not just as bracelets, but also as napkin rings. (I do love a combo project.) Weave the same width, but then cut down the length to fit rolled-up napkins, and finish as you would for a bracelet. Easy peasy!

If bracelets aren't your thing, or if you just want more reasons to weave inkle bands (who doesn’t?), try making this pattern into napkin rings.

Alison’s original submission had three different designs, but we couldn’t get them all in the magazine. We published two as A Touch of Turquoise and saved the third pattern as an exclusive free project for our subscribers. (Not a subscriber? Learn more about subscriptions here.) The third bracelet/napkin ring goes well with its kin, although in this version, the turquoise is the main feature with just a touch of terra-cotta to add some extra oomph. The finishing is also simpler, although you can opt for the fancier magnetic clasp used for the other two bracelets.

Whether you want to make bracelets, napkin rings, or both, you really cannot go wrong with this project.

Happy Weaving,


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