Explore the possibilities within the confines of the right angle in the Spring 2024 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms.
What do sailors, Scouts, and weavers all have in common? A need for knowing a multitude of knots. To start, learn how to tie the incredibly versatile weaver’s knot.
All Access Exclusive
Explore the versatility of inkle weaving with our new eBook, 10 Favorite Inkle Projects: A Treasury of Designs from Long Thread Media.
Winter is the perfect time for weaving with wool, so Christina is sharing her top 5 tips for using this wonderful, versatile fiber and 2 subscriber-exclusive projects for cozy wool scarves.
The Littlest Weaver is a new children’s book about love, grief, and the healing power of weaving. Christina got the chance to ask the author, Robin Hall, a few questions.
Whether you're weaving for a holiday, as a gift, or just because, having the right-sized napkin for the job makes all the difference.
All Access Exclusive
Like silk? Well then, you’ll love our new eBook, Sensational Silk, free to All Access subscribers.
Christina recounts her biggest weaving mistake—one that was published in Handwoven magazine.
Art inspires (fiber) art in this Winter 2024 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms.