Ever wondered what a variable-dent reed was and how it can be used in weaving on the rigid-heddle loom? Learn more about these versatile tools here!
This incredible tablet-woven plant hanger only looks complicated, making it a great project for card weaving newbies!
Let’s celebrate the beauty of the right angle with the Spring 2024 issue. Learn more about how you can send in a proposal!
Take a trip to the beach without leaving your rigid-heddle loom with Jenny Sennott's clever beautiful ocean inspired towels.
Learn basic finishes and seams for weaving, how to warp two heddles for double sett, and pick-up stick basics in one handy place.
What does 2024 have in store for Easy Weaving with Little Looms? Find out with this sneak peek at the new editorial calendar!
Learn the history of the Icelandic varafeldur and its links to Vikings and royalty.
Subscriber Exclusive
For the Spring 2023 issue, Angela K. Schneider wove 3 versions of her Garden Party Purse. As a bonus for subscribers, we give the details about the yarns she used, plus a downloadable version of the final project.
Christina gives tips for weaving with an extra-fluffy yarn on the pin loom and her trick for weaving thick yarn through those last few rows. (Hint: It involves dental floss!)
Weavers know inspiration can come from the most unlikely of places--including soil. Read how the ground beneath our feet inspired an art exhibit.