Christina Garton

Christina Garton


Subscriber Exclusive

Pick It Up: Learn to Master Using 2 Pick-Up Sticks

Sara Goldenberg White shares her tips, tricks, and best practices for using pick-up sticks on the rigid-heddle loom.

The Value of Color Theory

What is value and how does it affect your weaving? Christina has the details along with a simple trick for figuring out value using your smartphone.

Subscriber Exclusive

Bonus Variation: Gingerbread Dishcloths

Get the details on weaving two new dishcloths to go with Malynda Allen’s project from the Winter 2023 issue. These cute cloths can be woven easily on the same warp as the other four.

Unexpected Inkle

What do you do with inkle bands once they’re woven? Anything you want!

All Access Exclusive

A Treasure Trove of Forgotten Scarves

Rediscover the beautiful scarves of the 2019 Loom Theory eBook, now all available for the first time as individual PDFs for All Access subscribers.

Tempting Textures

The Spring 2023 issue is dedicated to texture and all the fabrics that make us want to give the weaver’s handshake.

Spotlight on Sara Goldenberg White

From the pages of Handwoven’s fashion issue to the latest rigid-heddle course from Long Thread Media, Sara Goldenberg White is a woman of many talents.

Subscriber Exclusive

Jack’s Shoulder Bag: Three New Ways!

Get 3 new warp and weft color orders for Jack’s Shoulder Bag in this subscriber exclusive.

Free Project! Tapestry Cuff Bracelet

Sarah Neubert’s tapestry bracelet is not only the perfect beginner project, but it’s also a great introduction to a truly incredible teacher and designer.

Weave Without Worry

Build your skills, learn a new technique, or do both at Weave Together with Handwoven this coming February.

From the Library

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