Tapestry weaving is one of the most accessible types of weaving. You can create a tapestry loom using simple materials, and once you have your loom, getting started is fun and easy. Often used to create wall hangings, you can use bulky yarn and fiber, other found objects, or create unique shapes, designs, and even pictures using tapestry techniques.
Give it a try with the tapestry articles, projects, and patterns in this category.
Sarah Neubert’s tapestry bracelet is not only the perfect beginner project, but it’s also a great introduction to a truly incredible teacher and designer.
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If you’ve ever wanted to sew with your handwoven fabric but worried about it raveling, this skill guide has all the information you need. Learn how to stabilize your fabric so you can cut without worry.
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Once you’ve got your loom warped, now what? Learn the basics of building shapes in tapestry weaving.
Christina looks back through the Little Looms issues and articles from 2024 and shares just 5 of the incredible tips and techniques we published in 2024.
All Access Exclusive
Learn how Tommye McClure Scanlin uses dice, and a few ground rules, to help her through design ruts with this All Access Exclusive article.
We’re asking weavers to weave a memory for the Winter 2025 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms.
Don’t have time to weave at home? Christina has 3 strategies for taking it with you on the go.
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Tapestry artists use hatching to create shading, but hatching is for more than just tapestry. Other weavers—especially rigid-heddle weavers—can use hatching for next-level color-change effects.
For this fall issue, we're looking for projects inspired by time spent in the woods and forests.
Looking for a loom to take with you when you travel? Consider giving tapestry a try!