Have you ever wondered why we full wool fabrics? As it turns out, fulling is an important part of the finishing process.
Learn all the tools you need to get started weaving tapestry as well as a few that can make your life easier.
All Access Exclusive
Weave your way through pin-loom projects from all 4 of Long Thread Media’s titles with this brand-new eBook.
Bring the beach to your loom--minus the sand and hermit crabs--with these tranquil placemats and napkins from Jodi Ybarra.
Have you ever wondered about the difference between woven and regular shibori or why you might choose one over the other? Learn the basics of what makes woven shibori!
I love how baking is like weaving—simply by combining the same ingredients in different ways you can create wonderful things.
All Access Exclusive
Did you know that you can weave with the stems and leaves of common flowers? Learn more with this All Access Subscriber project.
Learn to mix and match techniques with this issue dedicated to combining weaving and fiber techniques.
Learn everything you need to know about the blanket stitch: What it's used for and how to do this fun and versatile stitch.
In this video, John Mullarkey shows how he uses handspun on his pin loom.