Christina Garton

Christina Garton


Top 10 Little Looms Articles of the Year

Out of all the posts we put up on this new website, these were the 10 you loved the most.

Saying Thank You with a Free Scarf Pattern

This has been an incredible year for Easy Weaving with Little Looms, so to say “thank you,” we’re giving away the pattern for the beautiful Jewel Scarf by Tammy Bast.

Tutorial: Make a Simple Pin-Loom Flower

Making a flower using pin-loom squares is both easy and fun. Learn how with this free step-by-step video.

A Tale of Two Scarves

Two rigid-heddle woven scarves, one plain weave and one twill, showcase just a few of the incredible options you have on the rigid-heddle loom.

Subscriber Exclusive

Catenpile Tutorial and Project

Learn the catenpile technique for embellishing handwoven cloth on the loom with this subscriber-exclusive tutorial and project.

You Can Weave a Silk Scarf on a Rigid-Heddle Loom

Stephanie Flynn Sokolov’s gorgeous Silk Scarf from the Handwoven Loom Theory: Rigid-Heddle Scarf Collection proves that silk and rigid-heddle looms go together like warp and weft. Here's what she has to say about her beautiful design.

Upgrade Your Bandweaving Tools

Looking for new tools to make bandweaving easier on your body or simply more efficient? Here are some tools with ergonomic benefits that bandweavers have used for centuries.

Loom Guide: Rigid-Heddle Looms

If you’re planning to buy a rigid-heddle loom, it can seem overwhelming. Use this hand-dandy loom guide to help you pick out the rigid-heddle loom that is right for you!

A Trio of Techniques: Leno Lace, Brooks Bouquet, and Danish Medallions

Learn how to do Leno lace, Brooks bouquet, and Danish medallions on the rigid-heddle loom. With these hand-manipulated techniques you can take your designs to the next level.

Call for Submissions: Winter 2023—Folk and Fairy Tales

We’re looking back at the stories of old from cultures around the world for this Winter 2023 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms.

From the Library

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