Christina Garton

Christina Garton


A Triangular Conundrum

What are the two main types of triangle-shaped looms, and how are they different?

Weaving a Pin-Loom Baby Blanket: Finally Finished

Christina shows off her finished baby blanket and muses on the joys of taking things slowly.

Weaving Up a Little Looms Picnic

Christina recommends some of her favorite Little Looms projects for a picnic.

Easy Weaving with Little Looms 2022 Editorial Calendar

The 2022 Easy Weaving with Little Looms editorial calendar is finally here, so you can start plotting and planning proposals.

Call for Submissions: Little Looms Spring—New Beginnings

As Little Looms enters a new era, we’re looking for projects to celebrate its new beginning.

Yule Logs and Tree Scarves

Sometimes it takes a lesson learned away from the loom to better understand weaving.

Get Ready for the Holidays—Little Looms Holiday

Just because it’s still autumn doesn’t mean you can’t get excited about the winter holiday season!

A Transcontinental Dye Day

Mud dyeing is simple, safe, and fun regardless what age you are.

On (Not) Weaving with Toddlers

You don’t have to weave with kids to teach them to love weaving.

From the Library

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