Pin looms are one of the most accessible and portable looms available to weavers. They come in many shapes and sizes, including squares, rectangles, and even hearts, triangles, and hexagons. Most weavers will end up with multiple pin looms to achieve different shapes, but the 4" square loom is a great place to begin. Just remember that the loom you use will determine the woven fabric pieces you can make with it.
In this category, we've gathered a selection of pin-loom articles, projects, and patterns for you to enjoy.
Christina shares her love of pin looms, as well as a few of her favorite pin-loom projects. Pin looms are inexpensive, easy to set up, and really fun!
Weave to be seen with the latest issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms.
Christina reflects on 2021 and how she learned to stop worrying and start pin-loom weaving.
Sometimes ADHD can make finishing even a simple project seem insurmountable. Here’s how Christina has worked with her brain to overcome this anxiety.
Already planning for winter and the upcoming holidays like Christina? The newest Easy Weaving with Little Looms Holiday can help you out.
Dig into the details with Little Looms.
What are the two main types of triangle-shaped looms, and how are they different?
Christina shows off her finished baby blanket and muses on the joys of taking things slowly.
Christina recommends some of her favorite Little Looms projects for a picnic.
In this second part of Designing with Hexagons: Going 3D, Gabi van Tassell introduces more concepts for designing 3D objects using hexagons.